Have you got a fabulous business or business idea? Something that people need, with unique benefits and a great list of meaningful features? Great! You need to get out there and spread the word about your great products or services to the right people to build and grow your customer base. Read More
All businesses need customers. Customers learn about your business though your marketing activities. Without marketing, you may offer the best products or services in your industry, but none of your potential customers will know. The challenge here is to consistently appeal to your customers wants and needs through well organised and executed marketing. Read More
Branding is essentially about building a relationship with your customers. Your brand voice is the verbal part of your brand presentation: the words you use, the tone your copywriting takes, the way you answer the phone and the style of your letters. This helps establishes who you are and why a customer should buy your product or service. Read More
Are you closing or slowing down over the holidays? The Christmas/New Year period can be a great chance to take a break to prevent burnout, improve productivity, and reduce illnesses. However poor systems, planning and preparation can damage your business. Read More
No circumstances will be the same for any two businesses. The combination of your product or service offering, the area where you attract customers, your skills and experience and what else is happening/popular/available at the time are all contributing factors that help to determine the success of your business. Read More
Despite what you may believe, the copy on your marketing material including your website, flyers and newsletters is equal to, if not more important than the design itself. A beautiful design with no copy is just that, beautiful. However, don’t try to write content that appeals to everyone. If you do, you will be writing content that appeals to no-one. Read More
What sets your business apart from your competition? What benefits do customers receive when they do business with you? What is the value that your business can create for your customer? How does the customer perceive their experience when they come into contact with your business? Many business owners fail to answer these questions and as a result price often becomes the only differentiator for their customers.
How often do you smile in a day? Do you smile when you meet new people? Smiles don’t cost a thing, but they add significant value to everyone involved. Things don’t always go as planned but being pessimistic will take a toll on your mental state. Research has shown that if you smile, your mood actually improves. Here are 8 reasons why smiling is good for you, your health and your business. Read More
The challenge in business is to find the perfect mix between what you do, the strategies you use and the people you serve to achieve success and ensure your business can continue to operate and grow. What works for some, won’t work for others. There is also a little bit of luck and being in the right place at the right time that can affect the results. Success is what we all aspire to but is doesn’t come easily. However, strategically using a few key ingredients can help to overcome obstacles on your business journey. Read More