Creating, storing and protecting online passwords

By Branding, Social media

Open Sesame!  Key tips and facts on passwords to your life online

Passwords are designed to keep data secret. We have passwords to let us in to our online accounts for so many things including banking, social media, online tools and emails. Like the lock on your front door, they protect your digital security. If your password is captured, guessed or stolen, someone could impersonate you online, steal money from your online bank account, send emails in your name or change files on your computer – to name just a few of the possible outcomes. Read More

25 tips to help you use Twitter effectively

By Business, Marketing, Social media

Twitters’ mission – To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.

For any social media, platform, it is best to understand what is it for and how it can best be used to benefit your business. With around 316 million active users across the globe*, Twitter is a social network that no business can afford to ignore. Twitter is a communications gateway that asks the question: “What’s happening?” Read More

Are you pinning?

By Art, Business, Design, Social media

The more we share the more we have – Leonard Nimoy

I  love Pinterest as a visual resource and a bookmarking site. However, it is also a great way to share images, ideas and links. When you see a pin on another person’s pinboard that you like, you have five choices. You can follow that person, follow that pinboard, like the pin, comment on the pin, or repin the pin onto one of your own pinboards.

You can use the search tool within Pinterest to find things of interest such as “pink”, or “pretty” or “classroom”. Most of the pins can be followed back to the website where they came from so you can source further information and images. Read More

A new look for Twitter

By Business, Design, Social media

Twitter has recently rolled out a new look for web profiles along with some new features. These include:

Jumbo Header Image

The look of the profile header image is being compared to that of Facebook with recommended dimensions of 1500×500 (maximum file size of 5MB). You can update your header image from the settings icon in top drop down menu.

Best Tweets

Tweets that have received more engagement will appear slightly larger, so your best content is easy to find. Read More