Why is marketing so important?

By Marketing, Planning

All businesses need customers. Customers learn about your business though your marketing activities. Without marketing, you may offer the best products or services in your industry, but none of your potential customers will know. The challenge here is to consistently appeal to your customers wants and needs through well organised and executed marketing. Read More

Build it and they will come

By Business, Marketing, Website design

Build it and they will come so long as you treat it as a evolving garden rather than a static business brochure

A website is like a garden that will get lost amongst the weeds and stronger plants if you don’t look out for it. It needs to be pruned, nurtured and cared for to see growth. You have to accept that some parts are dying off, and replant or repurpose. Read More

15 Basic Business Rules

By Business, Planning

No circumstances will be the same for any two businesses. The combination of your product or service offering, the area where you attract customers, your skills and experience and what else is happening/popular/available at the time are all contributing factors that help to determine the success of your business. Read More

Define your point of difference

By Business, Marketing, Planning

What sets your business apart from your competition? What benefits do customers receive when they do business with you? What is the value that your business can create for your customer? How does the customer perceive their experience when they come into contact with your business? Many business owners fail to answer these questions and as a result price often becomes the only differentiator for their customers.

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