Watch your tone of voice

By Branding, Marketing, Tips

Branding is essentially about building a relationship with your customers. Your brand voice is the verbal part of your brand presentation: the words you use, the tone your copywriting takes, the way you answer the phone and the style of your letters. This helps establishes who you are and why a customer should buy your product or service. Read More

Build it and they will come

By Business, Marketing, Website design

Build it and they will come so long as you treat it as a evolving garden rather than a static business brochure

A website is like a garden that will get lost amongst the weeds and stronger plants if you don’t look out for it. It needs to be pruned, nurtured and cared for to see growth. You have to accept that some parts are dying off, and replant or repurpose. Read More

10 Ways To Foster Entrepreneurial Thinking

By Business, Motivation

Do you tend to guard innovation or do you want to share and exchange ideas, even with potential rivals? Do you believe risk is to be avoided or that it is the catalyst for innovation and creation? Are you driven by an innate need to create, build and grow? Entrepreneurial thinking is a way of approaching challenges and opportunities. It’s about the way you work and make decisions. Read More

The art of persuasion

By Business, Marketing, Motivation

When you start a business, your success depends on your ability to get others to take action. Every day you are negotiating to turn prospects into paying clients and to motivate people to do things for you. Influence and persuasion is not just for leaders. It is an essential skill required to strengthen your path to success. Read More

Everything is awesome!

By Business, Motivation, Planning

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill

Attitude is the most powerful driver of success. The good news is it is up to you to choose your attitude, to determine how you will look at and perceive the world around you, to decide how you will react. Dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of running your business is a constant challenge. To develop your ability at coping with these challenges, you need to foster the right attitude.

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