Build it and they will come

By Business, Marketing, Website design

Build it and they will come so long as you treat it as a evolving garden rather than a static business brochure

A website is like a garden that will get lost amongst the weeds and stronger plants if you don’t look out for it. It needs to be pruned, nurtured and cared for to see growth. You have to accept that some parts are dying off, and replant or repurpose. Read More

Everything is awesome!

By Business, Motivation, Planning

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill

Attitude is the most powerful driver of success. The good news is it is up to you to choose your attitude, to determine how you will look at and perceive the world around you, to decide how you will react. Dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of running your business is a constant challenge. To develop your ability at coping with these challenges, you need to foster the right attitude.

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25 tips to help you use Twitter effectively

By Business, Marketing, Social media

Twitters’ mission – To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.

For any social media, platform, it is best to understand what is it for and how it can best be used to benefit your business. With around 316 million active users across the globe*, Twitter is a social network that no business can afford to ignore. Twitter is a communications gateway that asks the question: “What’s happening?” Read More

Unleash your creativity

By Business, Motivation, Planning

Creative people are inventors. They invent problems and they invent solutions. All people are creative to various extents. It’s just that some people act on their ideas and others ignore them. Creativity is an important characteristic to foster. Fostering creative thinking means you will be more likely to seek out opportunities, see problems and come up with new ideas and solutions. Read More

Customer service – How can I help?

By Business

“Always give people more than what they expect to get.” ~ Nelson Boswell

Do you WOW your customers? Providing a high and consistent quality of service is one of the key ingredients to business success. Time is money but what price do you place on good customer service? Your business can’t survive without a steady stream of satisfied customers that remain loyal to you and recommend you to others. Read More

Get a burst of inspiration with 20 motivating quotes

By Motivation

Do you feel you need a lift in your spirits? Are you searching for a small burst of inspiration? A great quote can condense a large web of emotions and values into a few words or sentences and have the power to inspire as well as remind us of what we are and what we can be by resonating with our values and beliefs. Quotes help us to see the light at the end of the tunnel, giving us that extra burst of hope and courage to persevere. Read More

Do more with less

By Business, Motivation, Planning

I think one key part of doing more with less is to be more strategic, to realize what the objectives you’re truly trying to accomplish are and then to drive with greater focus towards those objectives. – Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

Small business owners are constantly juggling many balls – marketing, book keeping, sales and administration to name a few. While doing this, they are also performing under pressure – having to attract new customers, scale with growth, tackle operational challenges etc. Juggling is made easier by organisation. How do you rate your organisational skills? How well are you using what you have available? Can you see LESS as an opportunity to be creative rather than an excuse to avoid a challenge? Read More